it differs from them in being…; it resembles them in… 意味

  • それらとは…である点においては異なるが, …ではそれらに類似している


        them:    {代名-1} : 彼らを(に)、彼女らを(に) Please go and help them. 彼らを助けに行ってください。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {代名-2} : 〈話〉それらの、それらは◆【同】those I want them cookies. そ
        them's:    those are の縮約形◆非標準
        use them or lose them:    人材をうまく活用するか辞められてしまうか
        soften vegetables by extracting water from them:    野菜{やさい}の水分{すいぶん}を飛ばしてしんなりさせる[軟らかく仕上{しあ}げる]
        among (them):    among (them) 中には なかには
        among them:    中でも
        bring them on:    (敵などが)かかって来たいなら来させろ、そんなに戦いたいなら戦ってやる◆アメリカの Bush 大統領がイラク戦争後、米兵を襲うイラク人たちに言った言葉
        dozens of them:    数十の、数ダースの
        some (of them):    some (of them) 中には なかには
        them and us:    上流階級と庶民◆【直訳】連中と我々 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
        them-and-us:    {形} : 上流階級と庶民の
        us and them:    {形} :
        us or them:    {形} :
        us-and-them:    {形} : 庶民と上流階級の
        us-or-them:    {形} : 敵か味方かの


  1. "it didn't seem it was actually happening to her"の英語
  2. "it didn't take her long to arrive at a decision"の英語
  3. "it didn't take her long to arrive at a diagnosis"の英語
  4. "it didn't take him long to get in the swim of things"の英語
  5. "it differs from individual to individual"の英語
  6. "it differs slightly from the original"の英語
  7. "it distorted her perception of reality"の英語
  8. "it does him infinite honor"の英語
  9. "it does matter very much to me"の英語
  10. "it didn't take him long to get in the swim of things"の英語
  11. "it differs from individual to individual"の英語
  12. "it differs slightly from the original"の英語
  13. "it distorted her perception of reality"の英語

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